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PG4UW cmd.exe to save a file

Posted: 24 Jul 2014 10:25
Hello !

With tool "PG4UW cmd.exe " is it possible to create a script to save in a file ( format bin) a contents of memory (eprom) dump... I search a command like "savefile" .

Best regards

Re: PG4UW cmd.exe to save a file

Posted: 28 Jul 2014 10:49
by Dataman (Neil Parker)
Hello FREDC,

Unfortunately it is not possible to save out the buffer content to a HEX or BIN file when using the command line interface. However there is the following command when using the remotelb.dll interface:

function SEND_CMD_SaveFile(filename: PChar;
fileformat: integer;
timeout: integer): integer; stdcall;

This function is used to write buffer content of remote client (Pg4uw) to specified file at specified file

More information can be found in the C:\Program Files\Dataman\Dataman-Pro\remotectrl\remotemanual.pdf document.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers