TMS 2532 and 2564 programming on S4

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Joined: 01 Feb 2019 13:37

TMS 2532 and 2564 programming on S4

Postby pamphonica » 30 May 2023 10:06

The TMS2532 and 2564 were able to be programmed on the S3. But they do not appear in the S4 8-bit EPROM library. I can only program these devices on an S4 if I make up an adapter to swap some pins, making them look like a 2732A. Since these parts are starting to fail in service and need replacing, how can I modify or extend the library to cover these parts? I can't seem to find any instructions on library file format, or how to create a new entry or modify an existing one.

Dataman (Neil Parker)
Posts: 933
Joined: 10 Nov 2011 09:51

Re: TMS 2532 and 2564 programming on S4

Postby Dataman (Neil Parker) » 31 May 2023 16:05

Hello Jeremy,

As I am sure you are aware, our S4 programmer is an older model that is no longer actively supported. Therefore, we regret to inform you that updates or additions to the library, such as those necessary for programming the TMS2532 and 2564 chips, are currently not possible.

The capacity for users to create or modify entries in the library was not part of the product's original design and, as such, we don't have instructions or support materials for such actions. Because the S4 is no longer under active development, we don't foresee these capabilities being added in the future.

In light of the product's age, we would typically suggest upgrading to one of our newer models, which offer broader support for different chips. For instance, the Dataman-40Pro is a cost-effective, current model that provides support for these chips among many others.

The Dataman-40Pro is built with modern technology and a wide device library, providing a more versatile and reliable programming solution. We hope this could be a suitable alternative to meet your needs.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Best regards,

Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers

Posts: 2
Joined: 01 Feb 2019 13:37

Re: TMS 2532 and 2564 programming on S4

Postby pamphonica » 01 Jun 2023 11:07

Thanks, Neil. A prompt reply as usual!
I do realise that the S4 is long in the tooth, but it happens to still work very well for most of my needs.
I was just hoping that the config library was somehow alterable, but understand that the S4 cannot be supported actively.
It's a huge plus that Dataman still maintains downloads of all the relevant material on this elderly programmer - kudos!
Thanks anyway,

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