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How to Read Data properly? - FAT32 TSOP flash memory

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 14:25
by Guest

I am really new to Dataman48.

I am trying to extract/recover data from a MT29F4G08BAB 512MB memory that was on a pendrive.

I expected to read a FAT structure from the memory, but I have only read strange hex values.

Is there some trick?
The USB controller is a SM321QF.

How can I manage to read the data as 512 bytes per sector ?

I have tried different combinantions on the "Access method" and de IB management but nothing near to user data.

Any advice, I will be very grateful.



Re: How to Read Data properly? - FAT32 TSOP flash memory

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 14:25
by Dataman (Neil Parker)

You could try dropping the data into a program called WinHEX

Alternatively if you could get hold of another identical flash drive and some software that would let you write the raw data back onto the drive it should be able to make some sense of it.

Good luck!


Re: How to Read Data properly? - FAT32 TSOP flash memory

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 14:26
by Guest
Thanks Neil for your reply.

I am actually using Winhex. I realize I had to invert all bits in order to see some "human" structure (I can read ASCII values in some sectors now).

It seems it much more difficult than I thought.

Thanks for your help.
