Dataman S4

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Joined: 21 Nov 2023 15:27

Dataman S4

Postby nicholastc » 21 Nov 2023 15:29

I've just got my Dataman S4 out of storage and it's not switching on. I've tried the various reset methods. With the contrast full up and the reset button pushed in the display shows lots of squares/blocks. Anyone any idea what I can do as it obviously has power but resetting isn't working.

Dataman (Neil Parker)
Posts: 952
Joined: 10 Nov 2011 09:51

Re: Dataman S4

Postby Dataman (Neil Parker) » 21 Nov 2023 16:09

Hello nicholastc,

If you are seeing two lines of solid blocks then this is a sign that the main processor is faulty or damaged. Reducing the contrast slightly may reveal if there is any information on the display.

You can also try holding the reset button down for 30 seconds, if that does not improve the situation then I think your S4 may have reached the end of its life.

It might be worth opening the programmer up and inspecting the PCB for signs of corrosion from the battery pack leaking.

Best regards,

Neil parker
Dataman Programmers
Best regards,

Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers

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