Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

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Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby Dataadam1984 » 01 Aug 2022 15:52

hello, I am a new dataman user, I am trying to copy and write mt 29f64g08cbaba 48pin wp nand flash with my newly purchased dataman -48pro2 device, but I am constantly getting this error, please can you help me.
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Dataman (Neil Parker)
Posts: 935
Joined: 10 Nov 2011 09:51

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby Dataman (Neil Parker) » 03 Aug 2022 08:54

Hello Dataadam1984,

Welcome to the Dataman users forum. Looking at the problem report I can see invalid block errors and a verify error. invalid blocks are a normal occurrence in NAND FLASH which is why you need an invalid block management system which maps the invalid blocks and builds a table to keep track of them.

The verify error is most likely due to the fact that you cancelled the READ operation before it completed so the verify procedure when comparing the data in the buffer (incomplete) with the data in the device, it will find differences and show an error.

Working with NAND FLASH memories is non-trivial. Have you seen the application note we provided on this topic? ... nk/id/264/

If you have any questions after reading the application note then please contact me.

Best regards.
Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers

Posts: 2
Joined: 01 Aug 2022 01:41

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby Dataadam1984 » 03 Aug 2022 10:19

hello, thank you for your answer, but the reading process is finished and the verification is automatically passed, so the reading is not interrupted (the flash I am trying to read is just written and I got an error of a working radio, maybe it was locked by the installer)?

Dataman (Neil Parker)
Posts: 935
Joined: 10 Nov 2011 09:51

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby Dataman (Neil Parker) » 03 Aug 2022 11:00


If you are trying to copy a NAND FLASH device there is a specific set of options that need to be used:

In general, copying NAND FLASH is not the best way.

Our recommended procedure (without any guarantee of success):

1. Reading master device:
Select the device and then open Access Method <Alt+S> menu and change the following settings:

Invalid blocks management = Treat All Blocks
Spare Area Usage = User Data
User Area - Number of Blocks = number of blocks in device (e.g. 4096 for MT29F4G08ABADAWP)

Run Read operation. After Read is done, save the buffer content to disk.

Now you have a Master device byte-by-byte image stored on your disk. Remember, please, that this image includes all bad blocks existing in the master device, as well as all read flip-flops that have occurred during Read. Both, bad blocks as well as read flip-flops, will propagate into the target device, thus reducing its capacity (bad block propagation) and data reliability (read flip-flops propagation).

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers

Posts: 3
Joined: 07 Dec 2023 08:07

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby spacex1984 » 07 Dec 2023 08:20

after reading this data, how will we proceed when uploading? 29f64g08cbaba How exactly does the nand writing algorithm work? Can you give information about the settings that need to be made? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Dataman (Neil Parker)
Posts: 935
Joined: 10 Nov 2011 09:51

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby Dataman (Neil Parker) » 07 Dec 2023 10:19

Hello spacex1984,

I'm sorry, but I do not understand your request. Perhaps if you can describe exactly what you need to do with this NAND FLASH memory device, I can try to help.

Please mentioned which Dataman programmer model you have.

Best regards,

Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers

Posts: 3
Joined: 07 Dec 2023 08:07

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby spacex1984 » 07 Dec 2023 10:44

My device is Dataman 48pro2, the Kia device has a TCC8931B processor, I want to read and write NAND flash 29F64G08CBABA. However, I do the reading and writing process as you stated above and the device does not work. I read the information on the working nand as specified, and write it to the zero nand. Unfortunately, the device does not work, blocks 90 and 91 are faulty in all zero nands.

Dataman (Neil Parker)
Posts: 935
Joined: 10 Nov 2011 09:51

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby Dataman (Neil Parker) » 07 Dec 2023 12:18

Here is some information on copying NAND FLASH memories:


Whether you are trying to repair a broken device at a workshop or you are about to mass copy a master device
as you are used to doing with a NOR flash, please remember that NAND flash memory is a faulty storage medium.
Reading an error-free data image from a NAND flash memory without knowing and using all appropriate algorithms
(invalid block management, ECC,...) is a matter of luck. Therefore, we do not consider copying NAND flash memory
to be a suitable technique, we cannot recommend it at all for mass production. However, in servicing, copying
memory from a functional device is often the only option available, and we are often asked for advice on how to do this. Here it is:

Step 1: reading master-device:
« Select original device from list and then open Access Method <Alt+S> menu and change the following
« Invalid blocks management = Treat All Blocks;
« Spare Area Usage = User data;
« User Area — Number of Blocks = number of blocks in device.
« Leave the other settings in the default state. If available for the device, consider enabling special areas
and / or features.
* Run Read operation. After Read is done, save the buffer content on disk (or save the project file if any special
area and / or feature is enabled).
Now you have master device byte-by-byte image stored on your disk. Remember, please, that this image
includes all invalid blocks existing in master device, as well as all single-bit errors. They both will propagate into target
device, thus reducing its capacity (invalid blocks propagation) and data reliability (single-bit errors propagation).

Step 2: writing a copy:
« Select target device from list and load data image file from disk. If you saved the project in previous step, load
the project file. In both cases, open Access Method <Alt+S> menu and change the following settings:
« Invalid blocks management = Skip IB;
« Spare Area Usage = User data;
« User Area — Number of Blocks = see below.
* Run Program operation.

In ideal case, the number of all blocks available in device should be entered for User Area — Number of Blocks,
similarly to the read step. But this will work only if target device for copying is free of invalid blocks.
So, you must reduce the number of programmed blocks by some value in practice. We recommend to determine
some threshold for maximum invalid blocks count in device, and enter the value of total blocks in device reduced by this threshold. The number of blocks entered here cannot be less than the number of blocks really occupied by data in master device.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers

Posts: 3
Joined: 07 Dec 2023 08:07

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby spacex1984 » 07 Dec 2023 14:10

I've tried many options, is there a way to determine the EEC algorithm? Otherwise there would be an impossible number of loops.

Dataman (Neil Parker)
Posts: 935
Joined: 10 Nov 2011 09:51

Re: Dataman 48pro2 29f64g08cbaba verift error.

Postby Dataman (Neil Parker) » 07 Dec 2023 14:22

I am afraid that this is beyond the scope of our free technical support. I did however find some promising results on Google which may help you: ... nt=gws-wiz

Best regards,

Neil Parker
Dataman Programmers

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